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This web site manages knowledge concerning the Workers (called "magistri", coming from the Lombard lakes), their works, their migrations and relationships.

Some critical files have been created for every artist; they concern life, works, journeys and contain also a well done bibliography.

You can consult and make researches in the original documents (attached as pdf., doc., html format), that you can download and print.

So you can know, not only their artistic activity, but also their genealogy, their family and artistic influences.

The Works are presented like critical files too, with a big number of photos and, connected with technical possibilities and provision of materials, it will be possible to create virtual trips inside the Works.

Learn magistri's life, make virtual trips, discovering Italian and foreign cities, works, personalities that influenced magistri's life, it will be possible.

This website has been implemented è in the frame of the project “CULTURA ALPINA: SAPER VALORIZZARE IL TERRITORIO” (Programma Operativo di Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia – Svizzera 2007-2013).

The first release oof the website was made INTERREG IIIA Italy-Switzerland Parco dei Magistri Comacini delle Valli e dei Laghi (Intelvesi, Campionesi e Ticinesi)

Some data have been gathered in the frame of the project INTERREG IIIA Italy-Switzerland “L'arte dello stucco nel Parco dei Magistri Comacini (Intelvesi, Campionesi e Ticinesi) delle Valli e dei Laghi: valorizzazione, conservazione e promozione